In most likely June of 2024, Jim, his cousin Angela and her boyfriend Alvaro invite any and all interested individuals to join them on part(s) of, or the entirety of, a 100 mile walk/jog throughout the Delaware and Lehigh Trail.  This will be done to bring mental health awareness to Northeastern Pennsylvania and beyond.  We understand that not everyone is ready mentally, or physically, to complete such an endeavor.  That being said, we are hopeful of completing this 100-mile excursion over 7-10 days. 

We hope you will come with us for one mile, two miles, five miles, or even one day of walking.  You are also most invited to join us for the entirety of the 100-mile endeavor, which is being done to again, bring awareness to mental health and mental illness, and to especially honor the lives of those who have suffered in silence and are still with us and/or the memory of those who have lost their battles with mental illness.

Contact Jim for more information!



Please click on the “Delaware & Lehigh…” logo to the right to see where the Delaware & Lehigh Trail runs.
